Dispositivo d’ancoraggio predisposto per il fissaggio mediante inglobamento all’interno di un getto in c.a. L’altezza del dispositivo permette una perfetta fruibilità del sistema grazie al posizionamento della parte rotante ad un’altezza di 510 cm dalla fine del getto in cemento armato.

La parte rotante, oltre a supportare e ancorare il dispositivo retrattile, serve a ridurre il fattore di caduta grazie al posizionamento a 45° e alla rotazione sull’asse verticale di 360°.

Per maggiori informazioni si consiglia di scaricare le schede tecniche e i manuali di questa gamma di prodotto.

  • SS PF pole
    Art. 000129
    PF stainless steel pole
  • BF bracket
    Art. 000303
    BF Line fairlead bracket
  • BF 90° brack.
    Art. 000304
    BF Line 90° fairlead bracket
  • Cable dn8
    Art. 006650
    Cable In AISI 316 stainless steel Ø 8 mm 49 strands with identification bar for product traceability.
  • Tens tog/crimp
    Art. 000294
    Tensioner Toggle/Turnbuckle to crimp
  • F/S crimp tens.
    Art. 002494
    Fork/swage (to crimp) tensioner turnbuckle
  • Tens. dbl joint
    Art. 000032
    AISI 316 Stainless steel turnbuckle with closed core for cable tensioning, length 250 mm, with two jointed jaw ends.
  • F/F tensioner
    Art. 002493
    AISI 304 Stainless Steel Fork/fork tensioner turnbuckle
  • Jaw terminal
    Art. 000292
    Terminal with fixed jaw, with crimping sleeve in stainless steel AISI 304
  • Jaw terminal
    Art. 000293
    Terminal with jointed jaw, with crimping sleeve in stainless steel AISI 316
  • Fix dn8 cable
    Art. 001513
    AISI 304 stainless steel kit for clamping 8 mm diameter cable, composed of: 4 AISI 304 stainless steel clamps, 1 stainless steel thimble d. 8 mm and 2 heat-shrinkable sleeves.
  • Eye terminal
    Art. 003664
    Eye terminal for d.8 cable to crimp
  • Energy Absorber
    Art. 000033
    Stainless steel 304 Lifeline Energy Absorber
  • Quick release
    Art. 001758
    Quick release carabiner (not usable with SICURSLIM)
  • Tensioner Seal
    Art. 000290
    Seal for tensioner block
  • End line STOP
    Art. 003935
    End of line STOP signal to be put on the cable
  • End of line PPE
    Art. 003924
    End of line signal to be put on the cable informing to change the PPE
  • End of line 355
    Art. 003926
    End of line UNI 355 signal to be put on the cable
  • IT Lifeline sig
    Art. 000296
    Lifeline sign in Italian
  • Lifeline FI/SV
    Art. 004787
    Lifelines information sign in Finnish and Swedish
  • Lifeline signES
    Art. 004738
    Lifelines information sign in Spanish
  • Lifeline signEN
    Art. 003354
    Lifelines information sign, English version
  • Lifeline ID
    Art. 000291
    Lifeline identification code
  • System Register
    Art. 002562
    Sicurpal's System Register - Inspection and maintenance
  • Docubox
    Art. 003334
    Document holder with fixing kit
  • SS gutter dn90
    Art. 000018
    Stainless steel gutter dn90 with gasket
  • Lead V-BF-PN
    Art. 000281
    Lead V for BF and PN